Nice Breasts

Nice Boobs Nice Breasts
By Beverly Smith
Breast anatomyWhat Gives the Breast Its Shape?
The breast consists of milk ducts and glands, surrounded by fatty tissue that provides its shape and feel. Situated beneath the breast is the pectoralis major muscle or chest muscle. Factors such as pregnancy (when milk glands are temporarily enlarged), rapid weight loss, and the effects of gravity with age combine to stretch the skin, which may cause the breast to droop or sag.
The vast majority of American women are not happy with their breasts - most of them only because the warped media images make them feel they "should" have big and perky breasts.

But normal breasts can be big, small, sagging, asymmetrical
Female breasts come in all kinds of sizes and shapes.
In fact, having asymmetrical boobs, where one is bigger than the other, is very common. Breast size also varies a lot. Some women a flat chest, but even they can breastfeed just fine, which is the function of boobs. Other women have more of a bust, and the mere weight of the breasts can cause them backaches.
According to statistics published in the Journal for Sex Research (vol. 24, pp. 177-183), almost 60% of women have the bra cup size of A or B (A-cup 15%, B-44%, C-28%, D-10%). Of course, the size is not constant but varies with pregnancy, breastfeeding, and during the menstrual cycle.
Many young people, influenced by the media, think that nice boobs have to stand nearly upright. Women tend to think that the perky big breasts are ideal and so many women (about 230,000 in the year 2003 according to American Society of Plastic Surgeons) opt for breast implants.
So it's only natural that adolescent girls worry about their breast size. Parents should tell their daughter that she is still developing and will be until about age 19. Keep emphasizing the importance of developing her mind and her inner qualities, not her body. Women who have not gotten past this adolescent phase about breasts often take drastic unnecessary measures to increase their size.
Instead of worrying about her breast size, tell her she's beautiful the way she is. Explain how inner beauty is what counts. If she's worried about how she appears to boys, tell her that any boy worth caring about, won't care about her breast size.
It's not how you look, it's how you are. Inner beauty is about self-esteem, taking care of yourself, eating right, exercising, developing one's mind, having hobbies and interests, being kind, considerate, and thoughtful of others. Inner beauty is what keeps guys interested, not breast size.
Breasts aren't the only sex appeal a woman has a nice smile, a sense of humour and a warm personality are just as attractive as a pair of 36Ds in a push-up bra.
What's Your Sexiest Quality? - Find out what type of magnetism you exude and see styles that help make your sex appeal even stronger.

Beautiful Sexy Legs

Besides their eyes and breasts, women's legs are a primary target for men's visual inspection. Men highly value those which are very long, with beautifully shaped calves, but not too muscular.
Beautiful legs normally have a space between ankle and calves and between calves and knees, and a small space above the touching knees. This, however, does not automatically mean that just because your legs are not like that, they are not attractive and well shaped.
Many women think that their legs are too fat or too thin. Unfortunately, the actual shape of your legs cannot be easily changed. However, with exercise you can improve muscle tone and make them look better.

How To Have Beautiful Legs:
  • If your legs are too fat, lose fat by going on a sensible diet and exercise. Start a regular sport activity or go to the gym.
  • Sometimes, legs may not be fat, but look heavy, because of bad circulation. Put your legs and feet up.
  • If your legs are too thin, improve them with exercise. The legs can look much more attractive with better muscle tone.
    Walking and bicycling are wonderful exercises for shapely legs. At the office, walk up the stairs, instead of taking the elevator!
  • Avoid standing for prolonged periods of time to reduce the appearance of varicose veins.
  • Smooth legs look more appealing than fuzzy legs. Creams can be used as hair removers, and there are quite a number of shaving tools present in the market. But the best natural depilatory is a turmeric paste, apply it before a bath, and leave it on to dry.
  • After a bath, make your skin feel good by moisturising it.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure
  • Avoid baths that are too hot
  • Elevate or raise your legs when sleeping
  • Always finish your shower with a cold water jet on your legs
  • Drink a lot

Breast Massage

Breast Massage Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
By Beverly Smith
A recent study* of 4,700 women found that women who wore bras had an increased chance of acquiring breast cancer. It is very possible that the constant pressure that the bra puts on the breast is limiting the flow of toxins that need to be released, resulting in the increased cancer rate. Any more than a gentle amount of pressure can flatten the lymphatic vessel and stop the toxic flow from the breast.
The Study found the highest rate of breast cancer in those who wore bras 24 hours a day, and the lowest rate in those who never wore bras. The study suggested that women should wear their bra less than 12 hours a day.
* Singer, Sydney Ross. Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras, Garden City Park, NY: Avery Pub. Group, 1995
Self Care Breast Massage
Gentle breast massage will benefit all women and lessen the risk of breast cancer.
Gentle-to-moderate kneading, rubbing, and squeezing strokes with the hands are sufficient to induce increased lymph and blood flow to the breast.

How to do it?

The breast can be kneaded and squeezed by contracting the palm and fingers of the hand (somewhat like a handshake) or the breast can be rubbed and stroked using the palm and fingers of the hand using gentle-to-moderate pressure.
* Women's breasts vary considerably in texture and sensitivity to pressure. Therefore, gentle strokes should be for those who are sensitive or have softer breasts. Moderate pressure may be more effective for those with firmer-textured breasts.

Breast Massage

This procedure should be done at least twice a week. It can be done on bare skin, but you may find that using some vegetable oil may be more comfortable (do not use mineral-based or scented oils).
  • Step One: Use your fingers to gently smooth away from the nipple. These movements travel from the nipple and directly away using no more pressure than what you would apply to your eyelid. Any more pressure would flatten the lymphatic vessel and stop the flow of toxins and fluids. Also, make this stroke slow, not fast, for it to be effective.
  • Step Two: Gently massage the breast with a kneading-like motion, using lifting and pressing movements.
  • Step Three: Slowly and carefully use your hands to twist the breast in a clock-wise and counterclockwise direction, being careful not to put too much tension on the breast.
  • Step Four: Use both hands as shown to apply several, moderate pressure compressions to move out more pressure fluids.
Natural Breasts Care using herbs and vitamins.
Health Note: If during self-massage any lumps are felt, these lumps should always be investigated thoroughly by informing and visiting a qualified physician. If any lump is ever found, that area should NOT be massaged until a physician is consulted.

Seductive Beauty

Seductive Beauty
By Beverly Smith
Seductive beautySeduction is Alluring
The dance between the sexes is a wonderful thing when it comes to the subject of seduction. Making ourselves alluring and attractive to the one we desire is both fun and exciting. If that wasn't the case, then there wouldn't be as much need for glamorous lingerie stores, hair dressers, rows and rows of cosmetic shelves in department stores, stores that sell sexy clothing, and hundreds of fragrances from namebrand manufacturers.
It all depends on what turns on the object of your desire. Some women love a man with a full beard, whereas, others couldn't tolerate all that facial hair. Some men are switched on by a female in black, lacy lingerie and five inch heels while other men couldn't care less as they would rather have less packaging to deal with. A pair of sexy legs are appealing to a man. Women seem to prefer manly posteriors (okay, butts). It is all very subjective and based on personal preferences.
So, in order to be seductive, you will have to do your homework and know what turns on his/her switch. You will need to get to know the person to accomplish this.
Seduction is Romantic
Romance is the fine art of genuinely treating the object of your love with a sweet caringness that arrouses the desire in them to want to be with you. If you want to seduce him/her, be romantic!
Seducation is Visual
To be seductive, you have to look appealing and sexy - well, just browse through the many beauty secrets available.
And most importantly, Have Fun!

Facial Fitness Exercises

Anna Lynn C. Sibal

Being beautiful on the outside is all about keeping the face young and looking healthy. We know that the absence of wrinkles and sags, as well as having taut, toned, smooth and glowing skin are the signs of youthful and healthy beauty. Some go through so much just to maintain the vigor and agelessness of their faces, so much that they would spend a fortune on face lifts and other procedures that would keep them looking as close to 18 years old as possible.
There is, however, an inexpensive way of retaining youthful beauty, and that is through observing a regular facial fitness routine - that is, exercising the muscles of your face. The idea behind facial fitness is similar to the principle of doing a body workout: by exercising, you build up the muscles of your body and keep them toned and firm.
In case of the face, by exercising the facial muscles regularly, the muscles will be lifted enough to remove the sags, and the skin -
sunny glow will be smoothened enough to remove the wrinkles. The blood circulation to the face will also increase with facial exercises, enabling the tissues of the face to repair themselves more quickly.
Maintaining a regular facial fitness routine is easy. It only takes a few minutes of your time and it can be done while watching television or waiting for the stoplight to turn green when driving. Here are a few sample exercises for different areas of the face.
Forehead. This will smooth down the wrinkles of the forehead. Place your fingers just above your brow. Then, with your fingers, pull the skin down. At the same time, try to raise your eyebrows. Repeat this ten times.
Eyelids. To deal with crows' feet at the corners of the eyes, put the thumbs at the corners of the eyes and then shut your eyes tightly. Then, with your thumbs, pull at the skin towards the forehead. Repeat this ten times.
For sagging eyelids, hold your index fingers close to the brow bone. Afterwards, raise your eyebrows. At the same time, try to close your eyes. Again, repeat this ten times.
Cheeks. Form an 'O' with your lips and try to push them forward as fast as you can. Then release the 'O' and smile as widely as you can. Repeat ten times.
Lips. Push your lips outward in a pout as far as you can, then smile. Or you can suck on your finger as hard as you can. Once again, repeat ten times.
Neck. Arch your neck backward and place your hand on your neck just under the chin. After that, let your hand slide downward and push at your collarbone. An alternative to this one would be to push your lower lip outward as far as you can and tilt your chin up toward the ceiling, resting the hand against the collarbone as you are doing so.
Chin. Push your lower lip upward as high as you can. You can also press your thumb on the bone just under your chin and then push your tongue against your lower gums as if it is trying to meet your thumb. Another thing you can do is to tilt your chin up and massage the flesh under it with your thumb with strokes directed towards your neck. These exercises will take care of the double chin.
Just like in total body workouts, facial fitness exercises take time. However, if you truly want to see results on your face, try doing this once or twice a day, five times a week. You will be able to see changes in around a month or two.

Serenity and the Road to Beauty

By Anna Lynn C. Sibal

Beauty is not always about how you look, what you are wearing or how you smell. Despite societys current emphasis on what looks good, hip or cool, beauty that puts so much stock on the physical and takes into account only these small things is at best superficial.

What definitely counts as true, real beauty is not judged by how the palette you used for your makeup matches your skin coloring, or if the clothes you wear flatter your figure, or if your hairdo is nice and trendy. These are only our feathers; they make us look beautiful, but not entirely so. Physical beauty fades. We can diet all we want, we can stay the aging for as much as we can, but that is a fact of life: like a flower past its bloom that is slowly wilting away, physical beauty passes from its full bloom and slowly fades away.

What counts for true beauty is what you are inside, the peace and serenity that you hold inside your heart. Having peace and serenity inside your heart is not just some newfangled new age thing. It has benefits to both your body and your mind.
Having inner peace and serenity reduces the amount of stress you are experiencing and strengthens your mind and your person into taking more challenges and facing them more solidly and staunchly as they come. We all know the merits of living a stress-free life. If our bodies experience as little stress as possible, it makes us less susceptible to diseases like respiratory infections, digestive problems, and even all sorts of cancer. Stress, after all, weakens our immune system, and it is our immune system that keeps the disease-causing bacteria and microbes in check. Living a stress-free life drives the diseases away.
The more visible benefit of having inner peace and serenity in our hearts and minds is that the quiet we have inside us radiates outward. It makes us warm, it makes our skin glow radiantly, and it makes us smile. More importantly, it makes us look younger.
Another thing about gaining inner peace and serenity is that you do not have to spend money to be able to get it. How much do we spend on new outfits every year? How much do we spend on makeup, skin care and cosmetics? How much does cosmetic surgery cost nowadays? Gaining inner peace and serenity does not cost money, only time.
Unfortunately, our daily lives do not afford us much time for the simple rituals necessary in attaining inner peace and serenity. All of us are always busy rushing from task to task, struggling to fill in our roles as wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, career women, and whatever roles we need to fill in our lives. There are so many things that need to be done and yet so little time to do it.
But the rituals needed to gaining inner peace and serenity are so simple and do not take much time. It can be as simple as taking a walk by yourself at the same time every day, leaving everything behind and focusing on just taking in the sights, the sounds and the smells you encounter as you do your walks. Or it could be as simple as closing your eyes for five minutes each day at the same day, not to take a power nap but to blank your mind out for just a short while, just to give your mind a rest.
Gaining inner beauty and serenity is not a quick fix, but it is not hard to do. All it takes is the commitment to set some time for yourself and to connect your mind to everything that is around you. The benefits are so great, a lot more beneficial than constant dieting or having Botox on your skin. Be beautiful, not just on the outside, but also within.

Relaxation Techniques

Drift Away from Stress with Relaxation Techniques
By Cathryn D'Imperio
High-stress jobs, multiple roles and endless personal obligations may leave just about anyone torn and tattered. Renew body mind and spirit with simple relaxation techniques that require only minimal time and energy investment.
yoga meditationIn addition to relieving a degree of one's current stress load, practicing relaxation techniques on a regular basis has also been shown to promote overall healthier living, better mental condition and fewer incidences of heart attacks, strokes and repeat heart attacks.
With strong focus on deep, rhythmic breathing, yoga has become a popular form of alternative healing. Allowing participants to clear their minds and focus on personal goals and calming energies, yoga also aids in the body's flexibility and overall tone. Deep breaths coupled with yoga stretches and poses assist in renewal of the body, mind and soul. Even if practiced for only a few moments, yoga can positively impact a person's outlook, guiding him or her effectively toward goals and aspirations.
As an extremely popular activity in recent times, yoga classes are offered at many colleges, health and fitness centers and gyms. For those wishing to learn yoga on their own, countless books and videos are available for that very purpose. Gathering with a group of friends may motivate a first-time yoga participant to make a regular routine of yoga, even if only for a few moments every couple of days.
By exercising and harnessing the power of the mind, one can truly find mental freedom and escape from stress. Meditation combines a quiet location with a comfortable position, a focus item or idea and a perfect equilibrium between awareness and relaxation. Different posture and positions may be used for those who wish to become more experienced in meditation. When practiced regularly, meditation can positively merge one's mental, physical and emotional worlds.
Meditation practice does not have to be anything fancy or highly technical. By simply sitting in a comfortable position in a private location, one can use visualization with positive imagery. Repetition of a calming word, phrase or sound, such as peace,may aid in one's ability to focus. Participants may choose whether they wish to meditate with open or closed eyes.
Yoga, meditation and massage are all wonderful techniques to restore peace and balance within the body, mind and spirit. The power of the mind can be a truly amazing things allowing us to dream, believe, conquer and become those things we most desire. Practice relaxation techniques on a regular basis in order to maintain a healthy spirit and calm, tranquil mood.

The Truth Behind beauty Myths

By Anna Lynn C. Sibal

When we were struggling through those awkward teenage years, when our hormones were wreaking havoc on our bodies and our skin, we were most likely inundated by advice from our mothers and grandmothers, and even our girlfriends, on what we should do to keep ourselves beautiful despite the storm of changes upon us and upon our bodies. Some of them sound sensible, while some sound totally absurd.

But even if these pieces of advice sound really silly, there are some of them that we could not easily shake off. They seem to work for us, and why let go of a good thing if it is working somewhat?

Nonetheless, for curiositys sake, sometimes there is a need to ask. Do the beauty practices handed down to us by our mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends that we have religiously observed through the years hold a grain of scientific truth in them, or are they merely beauty myths spun by old wives? Lets find out.

Beauty Myth #1: Plucking white hairs yields more white hairs. This is definitely just a beauty myth. Our hair whitens as part of the natural process of aging, and some of us see our hair start turning white earlier than usual compared to others. It only seems to us that we are having more and more gray hair after we see our first strand of white because our mind is now trained to look for the grays in our mane, and so we are now more likely to notice.

Beauty Myth #2: Shaving the hair makes it grow back thicker. This is definitely another beauty myth as well. Shaved hair seems to grow back thicker only because when we shave, the razor cuts the hair off only on the skins surface. They were not plucked off directly from the follicle. Therefore, when the hair grows back, the wide part of the strand grows out, making the hair appear thicker.

Beauty Myth #3: Mayonnaise makes for a great conditioner.No, this one is not a myth. Mayonnaise, as long as it is real, does make for a great hair conditioner. The oil and eggs that can be found in real mayonnaise is rich in fatty acids and protein that nourishes the hair.

Beauty Myth #4: Applying ice to the skin makes the pores smaller.Nothing can make the pores smaller. The size of our pores is the result of genetics, not of temperature applied on the skin, so some people just have smaller pores than others.

Beauty Myth #5: Toothpaste can cure pimples Well, yes. Toothpaste has menthol and other active ingredients that can dry up a pimple and make it heal much quickly than if left alone. However, the same active ingredients in toothpaste that can heal a pimple can also dry up and irritate the skin of your face, so it is better to use a pimple cream rather than toothpaste for your pimple.

Beauty Myth #6: Applying beer on the skin before going for a sun tan results in a golden glow. No, not true. In fact, you should avoid sun tanning altogether, unless you are going to use a self-tanner. Applying beer before going for a tan does not do anything for the skin. Some people are just prone to getting a golden tan, while others naturally turn red as a lobster under the sun. It is, again, a matter of genetics.

Beauty Myth #7: Crossing the legs leads to varicose veins. Not really. The true causes of varicose veins are yet unknown, but again, some people are more prone to having them because of factors like heredity, age and weight. Crossing the legs will not cause you to have varicose veins, but if you already have them, it can make the condition worse.

Beauty Myth #8: Washing the feet when tired will make the veins swell. The veins in the feet really swell when the feet are tired. It is the bodys own automatic attempt to soothe the tiredness of the feet. In fact, it is indeed best to soak the feet in warm water to further increase the blood circulation to your lower extremities, so as to take the tiredness away.

Tattoos - FAQ, Care and Tattoo Removal

Tattoos - FAQ, Care and Tattoo Removal
By Beverly Smith
Tattoos are more popular now than at any time in recorded history. Current estimates have one in seven, or well over 43 million people in North America alone, who have one or more tattoos.
Before you get tattoos
* Make sure the tattoo parlor is clean and safe. Remember, the artist is going to be sticking needles into your skin, so be picky about the tattoo parlor you choose.
The artist should use a brand new, sterile needle with every tattoo. Ask the artist to go through the entire procedure with you, including all of the tools to be used and the specific design. If the artist looks annoyed, go somewhere else. All other tools involved must be sterile. Everything should be personally laid out just for your tattoo, for example: single use disposable ink bottles. The artist should wear latex gloves and apply Vaseline on the new tattoo with a disposable instrument - NOT BY HAND!
* Select the design. Think about it carefully. Will you love that in a year, five years, ten years? Don't get a name that you may want to hide in years to come. Children and parent's names are safe.
Talk to the artist about how you want the design to look - with shading and color. Show them samples and talk to them about color. Even medium dark skin can get color but remember that no matter what your skin tone is, two layers of your own natural (or sun tanned) skin color will cover the finished product. So you may want to pick really bright colors so they heal out good on dark skin. Orange may heal to be a bright red.
* Make sure you skin is in good condition. A few days prior to the day you plan on getting your tattoo prepare your skin. Drink plenty of water so your skin is well hydrated. Use a good lotion a few times a day. Do not drink alcohol the day before or the day of getting your ink because that will cause excessive bleeding when getting your tattoo. Do not tan or get too much sun prior to when you will get ink.
Caring for Tattoos
The important things to remember:
  • Vitamin E oil 24-hours a day for one week.
  • No hot water on the tattoo for one week
  • No sun on the tattoo for one week.
  • No chlorinated pool or hot tub water for one week
  • Please consult your own doctor & tattoo artist for more help.
Methods of Tattoo Removal
There are several excellent methods of tattoo removal available today. The method that the physician chooses will depend upon the size of the tattoo and its location as well as the length of time it has been on the skin.
  • Excision
  • Dermabrasion
  • Laser
  • Salabrasion

Are You Depressed?

Are You Depressed? The Signs and Symptoms of Depression

If you experience five or more of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, or they're severe enough to interfere with your daily routine, seek professional help:

  • A persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Reduced appetite and weight loss or increased appetite and weight gain
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
  • Restlessness or irritability
  • Persistent physical symptoms that don't respond to treatment
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feeling guilty, hopeless, or worthless
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
Stress management is important in fighting depression.

Sexy Women Sexy Girls

The Sexy Woman Look
By Beverly Smith

Sexy red lipsHow to look sexy without being sleazy?

Women strive to make themselves look sexy and attractive and this is a fun and exciting endeavor. But the key is to be sexy without looking sleazy.

To achieve this, just add a couple of unexpected accessories and some sensual essentials. There are a lot of ways to express your sexuality, not just by donning a micro skirt.
Here are a few tips on how to add sensuality without sacrificing your modesty and class.

Put on red lipstick. Remember, nothing does the job better than red, no matter what you think. It will add a splash of color and a stylish alluring vibe.
For young girls, yes, sexy girls are fine shimmer merry lip gloss is good, older women should choose matte red that best suits their skin tone (blue-reds for darker skin tones; orangey hues for olive; true reds for blondes).

Sexy eyeglasses

A nice pair of sunglasses will add mystery and a cute look, as well as protect your eyes.

Add a hat. Think of Sarah Jessica with all her hats and panamas! It is a perfect way to get a major sex appeal. You can start with classic shapes, such as fedora or beret.

Experiment with shoulder-duster earrings, they work great for the after-dark look, especially when combined with bare shoulders and updos.
Wear metallic. It has a great luminous effect and, in addition, is one of the hottest looks this spring.

Go for fabrics that feel nice against your skin, like cashmere, silky satin and buttery soft suede. Look for exotic dresses that add feminine charm and intrigue. Harem pants, sarongs and embroided items are the ethnic looks borrowed by Western designers from Asia and North Africa.

Sexy camisole

Play peek-a-boo: do not bare your breasts. Nude linings, camisoles and slips will keep you covered and at the same time they look suggestive.

Do experiment with different types of sexy lingerie.

Self Renewal

Self Renewal from Head to Toe
By Kate M. D.Imperio

Smiling Girl

Are stressful days leaving you dragging? Invigorate your senses and relax your entire body for instant renewal that will keep you going the whole week through. Renewal of mind, body and soul can be achieved more easily than you think just set aside some time for yourself and slip away into a carefree moment.

Renewal of Hair and Scalp

With extreme temperatures, excessive blow-drying and chemical processing, hair and scalp may suffer damages that are not immediately apparent to the naked eye. After time, dry, peeling scalp, split ends and brittle hair may result. To remedy these undesirable traits, revamp your daily maintenance routine.

Change products to a moisture-rich shampoo formula and a deep conditioning treatment. Something like Hair Repair Intensive Conditioner will generally provide immediate results in the texture of your tresses and the way your scalp feels.

While shampooing, gently use your fingernails on your scalp as the suds course through your hair. In a light scratching motion, refresh your scalp and rinse away any dry particles. For a truly invigorating experience, apply a deep conditioning treatment with a tingling effect. Before rinsing, allow product to saturate hair and scalp for two minutes or as directed.

If at all possible, avoid over-drying hair with a blow dryer. By allowing hair to dry naturally, strands are kept intact longer, leaving them soft, shiny and healthy-looking.

Renewal of Eyes
For tired, overworked eyes, get as cool as a cucumber by placing a cold slice on each eye. If no cucumbers are to be found, substitute a cold, damp washcloth, wrung out and placed over both eyes. Lay back and relax for a few moments while your eyes absorb the cooling effects. To best relieve bloodshot eyes, though, make an early appointment with your bed!

Renewal of Skin

First, a Facial

To reinvigorate your skin and your body altogether, choose a gentle exfoliant to restore a healthy glow to your visage. (I recommend St. Ives Apricot Scrub.) Using your selected product, gently buff away any rough spots and dry skin cells in seconds. Remembering to repeat this process regularly will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth and perfect.

For further rejuvenation, a facial mud mask applied at least once a week will dry out problem areas on your skin, relax facial muscles and relieve tension lines as the mask hardens in minutes. Allow the mask to dry as you relax while reading a book or magazine, watching part of a television program or writing out your shopping list.

The Whole Body Experience

Macrobiotic Counselor Patrick Riley suggests doing a daily body rub, which involves dipping a white washcloth in warm water and vigorously rubbing every square inch of one's body. He explains that this procedure would leave the skin feeling fresh and renewed, while also freeing the mind. (Note: this is a great exfoliating technique as well.)

Additionally, scented moisturizing lotions for dry elbows, knees and legs will help to keep skin soft and smooth, moisturized and healthy.

Renewal of Feet
Pedicures operate as an excellent stress-buster and they work very well as a means of refreshing and reinvigorating the body. If an all-out pedicure takes too much time, compromise with some aromatherapy foot lotion and a self-administered foot massage before heading off to bed. Relaxation and rejuvenation will send you straight to dreamland.

You, in Entirety
For your entire body, enjoy a sensuous hot bubble bath with suds of your favorite scent or bath oil beads, bath salts, fizzers or other relaxing bathing products. Fill the tub with warm water - not scalding but not lukewarm. Allow yourself at least 20 minutes to a half hour to enjoy serenity and the soothing suds and waters around you. After a long day in the office, a sporting event or intense workout, a calming bubble bath will wash your cares away.

To enhance the experience:

  • Burn an aromatherapy candle on your countertop, away from any potential fire hazards.
  • Immerse yourself in a good book or magazine.
  • Play soft and tranquil music in the background.
  • Treat yourself to a plate of healthy snacks - frozen grapes, vegetable sticks, applesauce, pudding or yogurt.
  • Close your eyes and daydream, but be careful not to fall asleep.
  • Wrap yourself in a fluffy towel at the conclusion of your bath.

Another body renewing trick makes things about as simple as they get exercise!
Mild exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, push-ups and maybe even an early morning run will help your overall spirit and frame of mind by awakening your muscles and reminding your body how great it feels to stay active.

By combining all of these steps or concentrating on only a few, your body should be well on its way to a more relaxed and recharged state. By adding some relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation, your stress load should diminish, leaving you with more energy for those things that are most important to you.
